
Get to Know the Members.

Class of 2025

Aasha Ardila

Alex Nickel

New Member Educator

Benjamin Olshin

Carlie Dobrinsky

Cece Cohen

Darian Liu

Elena Pauker

New Member Educator

Francisco Lucca

Gabby Kogler

Hugh Chan

Jess Piard

Luke Kim

Michelle Zheng

Nick Kennebeck

OMeed Moshirfar

Veronica Hsu

Class of 2026

Athena Nguyen

Chanah Park

VP Internal

Chemir Mathewson

Dev Gupta

Diana Lake

Diya Shadaksharappa

Dongwoo Kim

Josh Hillman

Kylee Kest

Margot Braun

Niles Fitzgerald

Rahil Malhotra

Rey Yu

Sally Kim

Sebastian Dehnadi

Stacey Kang

William Choi

Class of 2027

Abigail Chavez

Fundraising Chair

Aminata Toure

Chelsea Haye

Standards Chair

Chloe Ning

VP Finance

Eesha Kaushik

Emerson Stein

VP Communications

Emilia de Jounge

Emily Iorio

Digital Marketing Chair

Esther Wang

VP External

Gavin Yang

Social Chair

Iyanu Dosunmu

Recruitment Chair

Jacob Weinstein

Jane Spiro

Recruitment Chair

Jimena Somoano

Josh Lorenzo

Kwadwo Boateng

Marley Trumbower

Academic Chair

Myra Malik

Nate Wilson

Ruth Workineh

VP Membership

Sid Gazula

Songyee Park

Marketing Design Chair

Sophia Black

Tyler Hanson Mathur


Zain Rahman

Class of 2028

Anjali Ravikanti

Alumni Chair

Bridget Zelin

DE&I Chair

Kian Sharifi

Michael Champagne

Nora Silvergleid

Professional Chair

Rory McLane

Ryan Brinker

Seoin (Chloe) Yang

Philanthropy Chair

Tarun Eswar

Violeta Higuera

Wellness Chair

PGN was the first organization at WashU that I could call home. Being a part of this community has challenged me to think critically about what I want to do after college and has given me many role models to look up to as I forge my own path.

Nathan Shreve ’21

“The membership that PGN has to offer is truly one of a kind. Each and every member strives to bring out the best in one another on a personal and professional level. PGN provides an academic outlet for students studying across all four schools at Washington University to connect through their business interests. As the Social Chair, I want to continue to create an environment that fosters lifelong relationships and to create additional bonding events to continue to strengthen the community pillar.”

- Marisa Benjamin

Social Chair